Rebuild your relationship with a modern alternative to trad. Marriage Counseling online

Repair Your Relationship
with a
Modern Alternative to
Traditional Marriage Counseling

  It uses sophisticated diagnostic tools for accuracy.
  It addresses core issues, not just surface ones.
  It focuses on reconciliation, not treatment.
  It is goal & action-oriented, not just talk.
  You will engage in practical steps
     to rebuild your bond.

PHASE 1:  Testing the Waters

Phase 1 Testing the Water
  1. Call me, without charge, Dr. Ken Newberger (703-483-0031), to briefly discuss your situation.  Before you call,  please read through this page to become familiar with my process and pricing.
  2. Test the Waters
    Testing the Waters Your only "commitment" at this point is to schedule your single "Testing the Waters" session.  During this meeting, the two of you will be able to assess your comfort level with me, I will have the opportunity to learn about you and the relationship, and we will both confirm that you are good candidates for my process.  To participate in Phase 1:
    (a)  Click here to provide your contact info.  I will then: (1) email you a copy of the ground rules that will need to be signed prior to the meeting,  (2) register you for a preliminary assessment tool that examines your relationship (see b. below).
    (b)  Take the online p-e-online marriage counseling tool Prepare/Enrich Assessment Tool.  The cost is $35 per couple to be paid directly to Life Innovations Inc.  It will take you each about 1/2 hour to complete.  I will receive a combined 25-page report and will review it prior to our meeting at no charge.
    (c)  Complete the Goals survey which I will also review at no charge prior to our meeting.
    (d)  Meeting Length & Cost:  This wide-reaching session is two hours long and costs $360.  Click here to pay.
    (e)  After the session, the two of you will evaluate if you want to move into Phase 2.

PHASE 2:  Uncovering Your Underlying Issues

Phase 2 Couple
  1. Conflict Analysis Tool for Couples  The Conflict Analysis Tool 
    I developed and successfully used the CAT with over 1,000 clients.  Here's what to expect:
    Conflict Analysis Tool for Couples
    (a) Like an x-ray, this indispensable, one-of-a-kind diagnostic instrument peers deeply into your relationship from multiple angles.  It typically takes 1.5 to 3.5 hours depending on how much you write.
    (b) After you both submit your answers, I will read, analyze, and create notes on each of your results.  I quickly ascertain the underlying causes of your issues.  You attend fewer, less efficient information gathering marriage counseling sessions, and I gain accuracy.

    There is a one-time charge of $390 per person for approx. 6 hours of work for both of you.  It includes my behind-the-scenes analysis of your relationship that occurs in Phase 2.  See paragraphs 3b, 4a, and 5 for details.  This charge does not include face-to-face meetings.  Note:  I will spend up to 10 hours for free on behalf of both of you during my ongoing, behind-the-scenes work in Phase 3.
  2. Initial Individual Meetings
    One on One Conversation (a) Before each of your individual meetings, I will review all the data gathered thus far to pick out key areas to discuss during our time together.  (b) I will then schedule a private session with each of you.  The purpose of this meeting is for me to further immerse myself into your perspective without challenge from your partner.  The length of the meeting is 2 hours.
  3. Gaining Insight Into Your Reality
    Learning More About You Before your next joint meeting, I will spend more hours pouring over all the data I gathered from multiple sources: results from the (1) Prepare/Enrich Assessment, (2) results from your Goals surveys, (3) notes from your initial Testing the Waters session, (4) each of your answers to the Conflict Analysis Tool, as well as (5) notes from each of your individual sessions with me.  About 80-90 pages in all.  Based on these various streams of data, I will peer deeply into your relationship.  I will then develop a goal-oriented agenda specific to the two of you for when we meet together again (in Phase 3).  Unfortunately for me, there are no shortcuts to this time-consuming process.  On the other hand, it is:
    • Time Saving Process A Time-Saving Process for You.  The work to repair and rebuild your relationship begins in your second session as a couple.  You can bypass weeks of data-gathering sessions that would not yield as much accurate data about the two of you as gathered by this process.

PHASE 3:  Rebuilding Your Relationship

Phase 3 Woman Hugging Man
  1. Joint Sessions
    Couple with Marriage Counselor Throughout the proceedings, you will each be invited to share your perspective.  Differences will be explored.  To the greatest extent possible, barriers to communication will be removed and replaced by open, honest, and heartfelt conversations.  Various factors contributing to your conflict, including the not-so-obvious ones, will be identified. Solutions that address core issues and enhance reconciliation will be pursued.  From start to finish, the overarching goal is to strengthen your marriage and provide a peaceful home for you (and your children,) is kept front and center.
  2. Note:  There may be an occasion when either of you may want to privately share certain things with me.  When helpful we will schedule an individual session in-between your joint sessions to further advance the process.
  1. Additional Information
    Happy Family
    • SESSION LENGTH:  Joint sessions generally run for 2 hours.  They may get shorter over time.
    • HOW OFTEN WE MEET:  Usually every other week.  This allows you enough time to work on your relationship-building exercises between sessions that I give you.  This schedule, however, is flexible.
    • RATE:  $180 per hour (with ¼ hr. billing).  This rate includes, at no additional cost, work done on your behalf in the following ways:   (a) I may spend an hour or more, not just 10 minutes, to prepare for your upcoming session.  In effect, you may receive three hours worth of work for your two-hour meeting with me.  (b) My session hour means a full 60 minutes, not a 45-50 minute so-called "therapy hour."
    • HOURS:  I work both day and evening hours to accomodate your work schedule.
    • VIRTUAL SESSIONS (sound is off)
      Since Oct. 2024, I have moved from in-office to virtual sessions allowing me to serve couples from all over the country.  Research confirms my experience that there is no meaningful difference between the two in terms of effectiveness and client satisfaction.
    • INSURANCE:  My work as a conflict resolution specialist is not covered by health insurance.
    • CALL ME to briefly discuss your situation me without charge, 703-483-0031.
Visual summary of alternative to traditional marriage counseling process